
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bahasa Sehari-Hari?

Tanpa disadari, kita sudah benar-benar terbiasa (dibiasakan, atau bahkan dipaksakan untuk biasa) dengan berbagai istilah dalam lebih dari satu bahasa asing. Ambil saja english sebagai yang paling populer. Mulai dari aka, asap, fyi, cmiiw, imho hingga lol.
Namun meskipun begitu, masih ada beberapa istilah lagi yang kadang bisa kita pakai (dibiasakan untuk dipakai) sebagai bahasa sehari-hari. Antara lain:
Pikiran kosong = My mind went blank
Urakan = Rowdy/unkempt
Norak = Tacky/in bad taste
Ge-er = Big-headed/egotistical
Mejeng = See and be seen,/pose
Gaul = Very social/ social butterfly
Kuper = Wink/flirt
Gokil = Grazy
Melirik = Stare/flirt
Jayus = Corny
Rumit/bingung = Confound
Plin-plan = Wishy-washy
Bermulut manis = Lip service, sweet-talk
Amburadul = Chaotic, disorganized
Selangit; berbunga-bunga = Top of the world
Leyehan = Lay down
Mulet = Stretch
Latah = Parroting;copycat
Pemimpi, Pengelamun = Head in the clouds, dreamer
Bingung = Hang on, are you telling me..?
Kena batunya = You had it coming
Lari seperti dikejar setan = Run as if chased by a ghost
Hanyut = Drowning
Muntah/muak = Fed up
Aduh amit-amit = God forbid
Gagu = Mute
Kutilan = Wart
Mencurigakan = Slang-sketchy
Tidak begitu, ngga juga = Not so much
Buyar = Lapse in concentration
Sok tahu = Smart aleck, Mr.Know-it-All
Uleg-uleg = Pestle
Melotot = Bug-eyed
Jebol = Collapse
Penjebolan hukum kolonial = The end of colonial laws
Nongkrong = To sit around doing nothing
Saya lagi nggak mood =
Ngomong sama kamu = I do not feel like talking to you right now
Jangan sok puitis deh kamu = Hey you, cut the silly nonsense
Ngos-ngosan = Out of breath
Ekonomi ngos-ngosan = Economic slump
BS-Bayar sendiri-sendiri = To go dutch everyone pays for their own
Kantong kempes/tongpes = Flat broke
Lumayan fatal = near fatal mistake
Sinting = A crazy, nutty person
Cinta buta = Love is blind
Terapi = Therapy
Serak-serak basah = Throaty, husky voice
Gombal-rayuan gombal = Baloney
Genit = Flirtatious
Sok = Arrogance
Jangan kapok main ke sini, yach? = Please come visit again
Etika muslimah berpakaian = Muslim women's dress norms
Nglilir = To stir from sleep
Ngiler = To drool or want something badlydrool over something
Cepek = 100 in Chinese in Indonesia
Kekasih gelap = Secret lover
Mengecil = To shrink
Dasar kamu nich = It is no surprise, it is expected of you
Ingin sekali menang/ senyuman maut = Killer instinctin sports/
killer smile
PD-Percaya diri = Self-confidence
BT-Bete, butuh teman = Lonely, needing a friend
Rasain = Serves you right
Naksir = Have a crush on someone
EGP-Emang gue pikirin = I don't care,whatever
Lua ada acara malam ini nggak? = Are you free tonight?
Ih, ngegemesin banget sih! = Aww, so cute! I could just eat you up!
Cuekin aja lagi = Don't let it bother you, Don't think about it
Ngedumel = Whining, complaining
Mau, harus = Slang-wanna, gotta
Pikiran kosong = My mind went blank
Urakan = Rowdy/unkempt
Norak = Tacky/in bad taste
Ge-er = Big-headed/egotisti cal
Melirik = Stare/flirt
Rumit/bingung = Confound
Leyehan = Lay down
Mulet = Stretch
Latah = Parroting;copycat
Aduh amit-amit = God forbid
Bodoh = Moron, imbecile insults
Gosong = Burnt
Kasih saran ya = Please give me advice, okay?
Sok tahu = Smart aleck, Mr.Know-it-All
Uleg-uleg = Pestle
Melotot = Bug-eyed
Jebol = Collapse
Penjebolan hukum kolonial = The end of colonial laws
Ngomong sama kamu = I do not feel like talking to you right now
Jangan sok puitis deh kamu = Hey you, cut the silly nonsense
Ngos-ngosan = Out of breath
Ekonomi ngos-ngosan = Economic slump
BS-Bayar sendiri-sendiri = To go dutch everyone pays for their own
Kantong kempes/tongpes = Flat broke
Minta maaf atas kesalahan yang = Please forgive me for making a big/
Lumayan fatal = near fatal mistake
Sinting = A crazy, nutty person
Serak-serak basah = Throaty, husky voice
Gombal-rayuan gombal = Baloney
Genit = Flirtatious
Sok = Arrogance
Jangan kapok main ke sini, yach? = Please come visit again
Nglilir = To stir from sleep
Ngiler = To drool or want something badlydrool over something
Cepek = 100 in Chinese in Indonesia
Dasar kamu nich = It is no surprise, it is expected of you
PD-Percaya diri = Self-confidence
BT-Bete, butuh teman = Lonely, needing a friend
Rasain = Serves you right
Naksir = Have a crush on someone
EGP-Emang gue pikirin = I don't care,whatever
Apapun nanti hasilnya = Come what may
Lua ada acara malam ini nggak? = Are you free tonight?
Ih, ngegemesin banget sih! = Aww, so cute! I could just eat you up!

Lalu bagaimana dengan istilah alayers sekarang :
Capee deee : So.... Tired! deeeeehhhh!
Kacian de looo : Poor you!

Atau kita mau ciptakan sendiri?